Signs Of Abusive teenager relationship

The following warning signs might alert you to abuse in your teenager’s relationship: 

1.  Isolation – no longer spending time with a usual circle of friends.

2.  Constantly checking a mobile phone, and getting upset when asked to turn it off. 

3.Being withdrawn or quieter than usual. 

4. Being angry or irritable when asked how things are.

5. Changing their appearance, clothes, make up or style.
6.  Making excuses for a boyfriend or girlfriend.

 7.  Physical signs of injury, such as unexplained scratches or bruises.

 8.  Truancy, falling grades.

 9.  Self harm.

Be aware of your teenager’s partner using controlling tactics on them. This can happen over time, and your teenager may not be able to recognize the possessive behavior as unhealthy. Communication technologies are an important component of teenage relationships. A significant minority of teens say their partners use mobile phones or the internet to control, humiliate and threaten them.
Your teenager may also give you clues that abuse is happening in their relationship through the attitudes that they display.

Those who are abused might believe that:

 1. They are responsible for the violence and abuse;

 2.  their boyfriend’s jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse are ‘romantic’;

 3.  Abuse is normal – because their friends are also being abused;

 4.  There is no one to ask for help; and

 5.  They would prefer to have a boyfriend who hits them than no boyfriend at all.

Parents or  Guidance Must Share the warning signs of violence and abuse with teenagers, and also Ask them if their partner:

1. shows extreme jealousy, anger;

 2.  displays controlling behavior;

3.  monitors calls and emails;

4.  believes in rigid sex roles;

5. blames others for their problems or feelings;

6.  is verbally abusive; and/or

 7. uses threatening behaviour.

If the answer is yes to any of these, make your teenager aware that these behaviors can all lead to something more serious.


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